
Friday, March 26, 2021

My Fun Math Data!!

This week we where learning about graphs I made one the title on it was People's favorite NZ Native Bird we had so much fun going around the hub finding everyone's opinion  Here is my work

How have I collected my data? By walking around the hub and asking people what bird they like.

Why did I choose this graph? Because it makes it looks easier to understand.

Why did people choose Kiwi more than Kea? Probably because a lot of people have seen a Kiwi not a Kea

Kea: 2

Pukuko: 3

Fantales: 3 

Weka: 0

Yellowhead: 0

Kiwi: 10

Little penguin: 10 


What is your favorite Native bird

Friday, March 19, 2021


This week in math we learnt about coordinates we have made a map on google drive and Kaiapoi Pa  and Onawe Pa.

We needed to see how far apart they are mine is 54.4 KM.  
Kaipoi Pa: 43.225;S
Onawe Pa; 43.774’S

Kaiapoi Pa is on NNE & Onawe Pa is on SSE of Christchurch

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